L9H October Newsletter – Thailand Trip, Shih Shui, New Translated Books and More

L9H October Newsletter – Thailand Trip, Shih Shui, New Translated Books and More

To my Students and Friends                     

This year had many turns, some good and some not so good as I guess every year has. But the important thing is to do your best and try to learn from your mistakes and make the next year better. We are not perfect, no one is. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try and learn from our mistakes.

I have traveled to 29 countries teaching and meeting many very beautiful people/students. We must remember its not the people who make a country bad it the government in every country United States included. If you visit another country or even in the United States if you treat the people with kindness, they will treat you also with kindness.

They say Thailand is the land of smiles, yes, it is true but if you smile at someone, I can almost guarantee they will smile back. It doesn’t hurt to smile and be kind and thoughtful to others.

I would like to wish all of you much love, happiness and good health. Remember a little smile and kindness can go a long way.

Love Always Sincerely

James McNeil


致我的学生和朋友 2024 年 10 月


我去过 29 个国家,教书并结识了许多非常漂亮的人/学生。我们必须记住,让一个国家变坏的不是人民,而是包括美国在内的每个国家的政府。如果你访问另一个国家,甚至在美国,如果你善待人们,他们也会善待你。





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