Great Timer App for Standing Meditation

Great Timer App for Standing Meditation

Standing meditation can help build chi and increase feeling in the hands. A proper timer app makes this method of meditation easy leaving no excuse! The clock/time app that iOS comes with is a bit limited. I wanted a better timer app for standing meditation.  With standing meditation, I am doing the 3 main poses …

April L9H Newsletter – And New Book on Pre-order

Dear Students and Friends                                                                                           Spring is here so they say, but many cities and states in the United States and around the world are not sure with rains, snow, tornados, flooding and in some places, heat makes it so it doesn’t feel like Spring. In a few weeks we hope things will be go back …

L9H Newsletter October – Updates, Travels, Training and More!

To my students and friends                                          This year has gone by fast, it seems like every year goes faster and faster. In this newsletter, I talk about what I have been doing, traveling and teaching at home, as well as what the England and Scotland schools are doing. I know many of you are keeping …

Featured Students – Newsletter Part 1 of 6

For the next several weeks, this newsletter will look different than those of the past. Every teacher, grand-teacher or great grand-teacher wants their system to live on and flourish forever. I have had 6 very special masters in the 52 years of training and have taught 100s of students throughout the world. The systems I …