Ancient Lovemaking Secrets (Vol 1, 2, & 3) – Complete Set


Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $72.00.

Warning: Must be 18 years or older.  Contains Sexually explicit Material.

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Volume 1 ancient lovemaking secrets dvd 1

Introduction and history of Taoist Lovemaking, for health and longevity. Learn the three things that can be the Fountain Of Youth for many. Enjoy a discussion and demonstration of foreplay techniques and also what women can expect from these extraordinary techniques. Learn how to control your ejaculation and to prevent premature ejaculation? This introductory DVD has the first of many exercises you will learn, and can start practicing right away. This one technique will place you and your partner on the path to a much happier and a fulfilling sexual experience.

  • Increase overall sexual power and desire
  • Expand or renew intimacy with your partner
  • Rejuvenate your body and slow down the aging process
  • Take lovemaking to a whole new level of pleasure, ecstasy and fulfillment that will actually become a spiritual experience for most who use these techniques
  • Strengthen your health
  • Eliminate and avoid a whole host of health problems such as depression, fatigue, impotence, prostrate problems, premature ejaculation, urinary and kidney problems, back pain and more

Volume 2. Ancient Lovemaking DVD 2

Contains simple health chi kung exercises that will give you more energy and teach you to use your bodies’ own resources to live a longer, happier and healthier life. You will learn about the power of sexual energy, meditation, and how to circulate sexual energy throughout the body. We will demonstrate and explain a tremendously powerful exercise called Shih Shui or Bone Marrow Washing. Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Henry Short, will discuss the power of these simple but powerful exercises.

  • Increase overall sexual power and desire
  • Expand or renew intimacy with your partner
  • Rejuvenate your body and slow down the aging process
  • Take lovemaking to a whole new level of pleasure, ecstasy and fulfillment that will actually become a spiritual experience for most who use these techniques
  • Strengthen your health
  • Eliminate and avoid a whole host of health problems such as depression, fatigue, impotence, prostrate problems, premature ejaculation, urinary and kidney problems, back pain and more

Volume 3. Ancient Lovemaking DVD 3

  • Heightened touching/feeling with focused mind
  • Emptying your mind during lovemaking.
  • Kissing with feeling – techniques
  • Loving her breasts – techniques
  • Fingering – techniques
  • Masterbation
    • Control ejaculation
    • Secret healing techniques (overcome colds)
    • Additional benefits
  • Oral Sex
    • Overcoming hang-ups
    • Communication / relaxation – Understanding body language
    • Techniques for men & woman
  • In soft out hard – training
  • Blindfold game to increase heightened senses and relaxation
  • Yin versus Yang parts of the body
  • 5 signs a woman is ready
  • One inch technique
  • 9 shallow. 1 Deep.
  • The 10 ways (Taoist Sexual Positions)
    • The dragon turns
    • Tiger stalking
    • Monkey springs
    • Cicada fixed to a tree
    • Tortoise mounts
    • Phoenix flutters
    • Rabbit licking it’s fur
    • Fish with scales joined
    • Cranes with necks intertwined
    • Bear shaking the tree
  • Around the World of Yin & Yang

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